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01-024 QSE C1 WB-NOCN_04-05 QSE Inter WB  17/4/2018  6:52 μμ  Page 5

                                             Language in Use                                           Unit 1

             4  IDIOMS

             Complete the sentences using the phrases in the box. What do these idioms mean?

                a build      b explore     c pick     d reopen     e bury

              1   The two countries have decided to  .............. the hatchet.
              2    We hope to .............. bridges between the warring factions.
              3    The trade dispute .............. old wounds between the former military rivals.
              4    In the wake of the earthquake, the survivors tried to .............. up the pieces.
              5    The UN .............. every avenue to resolve the crisis.

             Speaking Activities

              You are members of the newly-formed World Peace Institute. This think tank
              generates ideas for world peace. First, create a list of five reasons why countries go to
              war. Secondly, brainstorm two peaceful solutions for each of those five reasons.
              Thirdly, the first mission for the new Institute: try to use those ideas
              and others for resolving an international conflict that you are familiar with.

              Language Bank

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